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About LLG Ministries


On August 23, 2007  something powerful and not of this world happened to me. I would later know to describe this experience as an encounter with the living God. 


The Spirit of the Lord breathed into my nostrils that morning, sending me to the floor in tears, humbled and broken. I was literally changed that very day into a new man.


And since that day the Lord Himself has been teaching, guiding, chastening, and molding me into His servant.


He has called me to testify to the world that he is as real as the air we breathe. 


He has called me to shed light in dark areas, to comfort the burdened and to spread the good news of our Lord Jesus Christ.


My testimony is in the newly 
published book MY GOD


Please feel free to contact me using the form below.


May the Good Lord be with you.


Michael E. McPherson

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