Master Sermons
"How beautiful are the feet of them that preach the gospel of peace, and bring glad tidings of good things!"
When I was a young Christian, desperate for knowledge, the Lord led me to the recordings of Pastor Paris Reidhead, my mentor. When I needed a witness of the Christian life, He led me to Pastor David Wilkerson, a man broken by God and used mightily in His service and glory. When my thirst for theology grew, the Lord again led me, this time to Pastor Martyn Lloyd-Jones. And when doctrinal truth needed affirmation, the Lord led me to the writings and sermons of Pastor A.W. Tozer and Leonard Ravenhill.
No greater Christian education, shepherding and revelation of truth can be found that is not preached and taught from the mouths of these men. These men have been my Bible College, my seminary; illuminated by the Spirit of God to bring the saints into the knowledge and fullness of Christ Jesus.
The Greatest Sermon of the 20th Century
Topic: Worship | Scripture: Philippians 2:5-11
Topic: Sin | Scripture: Romans 7:14-24
Topic: Repentance | Scripture: Exodus 33:1-11
Topic: Body of Christ | Scripture: Matthew 18:19-20
Topic: Self-Examination | Scripture: Matthew 16:13-17
Topic: Communion | Scripture: 1 Corinthians 10:16-17
Topic: Repentance | Scripture: Luke 13:3-5, John 6:54, Hebrews 2:3
Topic: The New Man| Scripture: Matthew 5:1-12
Topic: Judgment | Scripture: Matthew 7:13
Topic: Messiah Jesus | Scripture: John 15:1-8
Click here for - Book - Soundtrack to The Greatest Sermon of the 2oth Century
Ten Shekels and a Shirt
TEN SHEKELS AND A SHIRT - by Paris Reidhead
Topic: Humanism | Scripture: Judges 17 | Time: 51:19 | SOUNDTRACK | TRANSCRIPT PDF
Paris Reidhead preaches what could be called one of the most influential sermons of the 20th century. In Judges 17, the prophet, Micah hires a Levite as his personal priest. The price for the Levite's services was ten shekels (of silver) and a shirt.The sermon is an indictment of individuals and organizations practicing humanism behind a mask of Christianity. This can be a life changing message for many.
Unveiling God's Church
Topic: Jesus Christ | Scripture: Revelation 1:1-6
Topic: Jesus Christ | Scripture: Revelation 1:9-18
Topic: Salvation | Scripture: Revelation 1:1-6 (So Great Salvation)
Topic: Second Coming | Scripture: John 5:17-31 (Second coming of Christ)
Topic: The Church | Scripture: Revelation 1:12 - 2:1
Topic: The Church | Scripture: Revelation 2:8-11
Topic: The Church | Scripture: Revelation 3:1-6